Category Archives: Guest Favours

Fairy/Unicorn 5th Birthday Celebration

It’s catch up day here in the Sweet Dreams Bakeshop blog… well at least of the images I managed to unload from my camera.  This fairy /unicorn theme party was for a 5 year old. Mama wanted unicorn, and daughter wanted fairy. We compromised and came up with this custom theme party.

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Filed under Birthday, Cake Pops, Cakes, Cookies, Cupcakes, Guest Favours

Beauty and the Beast Cookies

I made these cookies for my friend Lori for her daughter Sophie’s 3rd birthday. She’s had a Beauty and the Beast theme party, so I made a collection of Bell’s gown, Mrs. Potts, Chip, a rose and the magic mirror. I love Beauty and the Beast, so I was really excited to do this for her. These cookies shipped all the way to Nova Scotia. The longest trek Sweet Dreams Bakeshop cookies have made yet, and they all arrived intact. Happy Birthday miss Sophie. We wish we could have been there to celebrate your big day!!


Filed under Birthday, Character, Cookies, Guest Favours

Kitty and Birdie 1st Birthday

Happy Birthday 1st birthday little miss Liv! I loved being able to finally meet you a few weeks ago. Tell your mommy that I miss her a lot!!! I made these birdie and kitty cookies for Liv’s party favours. The kitty is her favourite toy. He goes everywhere with her. Sven, her real kitty was Eva’s favourite toy as she had never got to chase a real cat around the house before.

Here’s a picture of the real mr. kitty.

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Filed under Cookies, Guest Favours

A Sweet Monkey Turns Two

My sweet little niece, Kaylee, turned two last weekend. She’s way too cute. (There’s a pic if you scroll down of her munching a cookie). As part of her gift we gave her a big monkey floor pillow. What we didn’t know when we got it for her is that she hated it when she saw it at the store. She hit it in the face and said, “no!”. Hilarious. We didn’t know this had happened when we got it for her. Deciding to give it to her anyway, we were anticipating her reaction when she opened it. She didn’t hate it, but she didn’t love it either. It basically got a stare down from a few feet away. A week later, and she’s warming up to it, I guess. To celebrate miss Kaylee there was a big extravaganza… All kinds of cakes, cookies, cupcakes, cake pops (I even made these ones banana flavoured), candy, dips… and vegetables. It was a great time. Fortunately the weather cooperated and all the kids got to play outside.

I’m very much looking forward to this next year with Kaylee. She’s really starting to talk a lot more now, and I know it’s such a fun stage when you get to hear all the new words and cute sayings! Much love Kaylee!!!

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Filed under Birthday, Cake Pops, Cakes, Cookies, Cupcakes, Guest Favours

Elmo 1st Birthday

Happy 1st Birthday to Sarah. Her mother tells me that she loves everything Elmo. I’m inclined to agree with her, that Elmo is hard not to love!

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Filed under Cakes, Character, Cookies, Cupcakes, Guest Favours

Little Boys and Little Girls

I made these little girls and little boys for the Discovery Preschool. There are six different little people, and the globe from the logo. In all, it took 12 different colours of icing to complete these. Yikes. I felt like I was washing icing tips for an hour when this was all over! There are three different skin tones in this collection. This was my first *real* time experimenting with skin tone icing. I tried once before and let’s just say that the colour would have been ideal if I was decorating Edward Cullen cookies. Fortunately for me, these ones turned out just right.

All 75 cookies packed up and ready to go!


Filed under Cookies, Guest Favours

Wedding Cookie Favours

These Labrador flag cookie favours were a surprise from the bride to the groom at their wedding reception. It probably goes without saying that the groom is originally from Labrador. I’m going to admit publicly that I was unaware Labrador had it’s own flag. I always thought that Newfoundland and Labrador shared the flag. Oops. I’m married to a man from Nova Scotia. I feel like this is something I should have known. So 150 cookies later I am now an expert on this flag. p.s. please excuse the wrinky tablecloth…. I didn’t realize how bad it was until after I uploaded this photo. It’s lucky for me my grandmother doesn’t use the Internet, because if she saw that tablecloth she would not be impressed with me!!!

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Filed under Cookies, Flag, Guest Favours, Wedding